Become Your Best Version Challenge - The Secret to Overcoming Burnout

How to find balance without giving up on your goals and dreams.
Burnout and stress are at all-time highs across professions, not only affecting employees but also business owners. In 2021 the rates of burnout reported were 79% of adult workers. According to WHO Burnout is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy. 
It's good to have these technical definitions as a reference but Burnout has a much wider range of symptoms and can range from low chronic stress that drains your energy over the week to chronic fatigue and pain that can prevent you to work or execute any activity. Where are you in this spectrum of Burnout? Are you feeling tired and pushing yourself to the limit to do everything you need to do and not having enough ENERGY to do what you want to do? Or are you already in a serious burnout affecting your health, work, relationships, and everything your care about most in your life? There is no judgment here I'm sure you did the best you could to overcome this situation. My question here is ARE YOU WILLING MOVE FORWARD AND OWN YOUR LIFE?
If you are STRUGGLING not knowing where to start this challenge is for you. Let's start with you increasing awareness  and gaining clarity about your life
If your burnout is at a STARTING point, things are running ok, you’re spending a lot of energy to do everything but deep inside you have that feeling it could be better. I'll tell you a secret IT MUST BE BETTER and you are in CHARGE.
Let's unlock your potential by increasing Awareness, building the HABITS to support your energy, and having the CONFIDENCE to support your transformation 
3 days to invest in your most important asset: YOURSELF. From May 6th to 8th, just 1 hour a day to shake all the weight layered over you. Feel inspired, get a crystal clear vision and start taking action before all your energy is gone.
Here is exactly what you will learn:
  • A - How to be more Aware so you can be active and not reactive to what happens in your life.
  • B - Learn which habits  will support you to build the foundation of a greater life
  • C - Gain the Confidence necessary to navigate in life, even when you have a storm  
In a very short summary what can you do with this:
  • Clarity - it’s the key to prosperity, when you don't have the clarity you can't take right decisions.  There is always someone in charge of your life and you want to make sure it's you
  • Energy - Everything is about energy! If you want to leave burnout behind you like a story from the past your need to learn how to work with your energy. 
  • Confidence - Our thoughts create our reality and our experience reinforces it. This cycle can be either good or bad. You want to build your confidence and strength to keep growing and improving your life in all the areas that are important to you.

The challenge will be May 6th to 8th from 11:00 AM to 12:00PM PST Time

I want know the secret to overcome BURNOUT